7788 Yonge Street

Thornhill, ON L4J 1W3

Offered at 8,000,000

7788 Yonge Street

The Most Desirable Address

Truly unique and one of the rarest offerings. Surrounded by multi-million dollar estates and parks, a once in a lifetime opportunity to build your dream residence and create your legacy in this most desirable location. Great potential for future development along the new extended subway corridor. In close proximity to golf and country clubs, some of the countries finest schools, fine shops and restaurants. A world of magnificence awaits!


Map & Nearby Places

7788 Yonge Street
Thornhill, ON L4J 1W3
Property For Sale

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Verna Debono

Senior Sales Representative, - Hammond International Properties
Photo of Verna Debono
Mobile: 416-471-9200
Fax: 416-987-2245

Jerry Hammond

Photo of Jerry Hammond